Build Success from the

Inside Out

At Business Life Results, we understand that the wellbeing of your employees directly impacts your business success.

Custom-Built Programs

Mental Health First Aid

One on One coaching

Lunch and Learns

Unplug and Reconnect


The amount of staff that leave due to management issues and poor communication


The average compensation paid for a mental health condition in 2020-21, nearly 4 times the median compensation for all claims.

What's the cost of replacing a staff member?

$5,000, $10,000, $15,000? What does turnover do to your business culture and bottom line?

1 in 5 Australians

Experience a common mental illness each year.

Mental Health Injuries

account for around one-third of new workers’ compensation claims and are expected to keep rising.

At Business Life Results, we understand that the wellbeing of your employees directly impacts your business success. Our approach focuses on personal development, effective communication, and building a robust organisational culture from the inside out. We emphasise the critical role of communication between managers and employees, which is essential for building trust, reducing misunderstandings, and enhancing team cohesion.

By prioritising the mental health and communication skills of your staff, we help you create a more engaged, resilient, and motivated workforce.

Strong internal communication and a solid culture lead to higher employee job satisfaction and retention, reduced turnover costs, and increased productivity.

By investing in their development and wellbeing from the inside out, you ensure that they achieve personal growth and fulfillment, which translates into better performance and results for your business. It’s a win-win for everyone. Business Life Results is here to help you build a thriving workplace where everyone can excel, ultimately boosting your bottom line.

Alarming Statistics: Numbers You Can’t Ignore

Workers are 6 times

more likely to die from suicide than work-related accidents!

Stress & Mental Health

are the top reasons for time off work.

44 Days

average days off for mental health issues.


The average compensation paid for a mental health condition in 2020 – 2021.
4x more than any other payout.

Boost productivity by 25%

through effective communication.

86% of Workplace Failures

are due to ineffective communication.

Alarming Statistics: Numbers You Can’t Ignore

Workers are 6 times

more likely to die from suicide than work-related accidents!

Stress & Mental Health

are the top reasons for time off work.

44 Days

average days off for mental health issues.


The average compensation paid for a mental health condition in 2020 – 2021. 4x more than any other payout.

Boost productivity by 25%

through effective communication.

86% of Workplace Failures

are due to ineffective communication.

At Business Life Results;

We believe that focusing on personal and professional growth leads to exceptional business outcomes. Unhappy and disengaged staff can result in dysfunctional teams, increased mistakes, and higher turnover rates, ultimately affecting productivity and profits. We help businesses create a supportive and engaging work environment where employees feel valued and connected.

What is your current staff turnover rate, and how does it impact your business?

How much does it cost you to replace a staff member?

What is the culture like in your organisation. Are your employees engaged and satisfied?

Just like retaining a client is crucial for business profits and reputation, so is retaining staff. Staff engagement, job satisfaction, effective communication, mental health support, and a proactive approach to challenges are critical areas of focus. Training should encompass more than just budgets and sales strategies—it should foster self-leadership, emotional intelligence, and resilience.

Invest in your team completely, and they will invest in you. Enhance their learning, understand their triggers, and support them as a whole. Wholehearted support from your team comes when they feel fully supported by you.

    Are You Compliant with the Latest Legislation Changes?

    What measures are you taking to support your employees’ mental health and wellbeing?

    The revised Work Health & Safety Act 2011, effective from 1 April 2023, mandates that employers must protect employees from psychological hazards and risks. This legislation underscores the importance of a safe and supportive work environment for mental health and emotional well-being.

    Begin your inside out journey with Business Life Results.