Are You Compliant with the Latest Legislation Changes?

What measures are you taking to support your employees’ mental health and wellbeing?

The revised Work Health & Safety Act 2011, effective from 1 April 2023, mandates that employers must protect employees from psychological hazards and risks. This legislation underscores the importance of a safe and supportive work environment for mental health and emotional well-being.

The Importance of Employers

Employers must give the duty of care to their staff as mandated by the new Work Health & Safety Act 2011. Effective from 1 April 2023, it requires that employers create psychologically safe environments for their staff and have robust processes to manage psychosocial hazards. This is not just a legal obligation but a critical priority as mental health injuries account for around a third of new workers’ compensation claims and this number is expected to rise.

What measures are you taking to support your employees’ mental health and wellbeing?

Employers play a vital role in fostering mentally healthy workplaces. Beyond the legal obligations to provide such environments, it’s also beneficial for business. Employers are encouraged to integrate the strategy into their operations and share it with key business areas and relevant employees.

How We Can Help

At Business Life Results, we specialise in assisting businesses to meet the specific areas required by the legislation, ensuring that you can demonstrate compliance in:

  • Design or Management of Work: We help you design and manage work processes that reduce psychological risks and enhance employee well-being.
  • The Working Environment: We assist in creating a safe and supportive  psychological working environment.
  • Workplace Interactions or Behaviours: We provide training and tools to foster positive workplace interactions and behaviours, mitigating psychosocial risks.

Action You Can Take Now

  1. Train Mental Health First Aiders: Our qualified instructors are ready to provide essential training for staff.
  2. Promote Open Communication: Our bespoke programs can help can help create a supportive culture, increase engagement and foster open communication.
  3. Conduct Risk Assessments: Regularly evaluate psychosocial hazards in the workplace.
  4. Develop Clear Policies: We can assist in creating and implementing effective mental health and wellbeing policies.
  5. Provide Support Resources: Offer access to mental health support services and resources tailored to your needs.

Ready to ensure your workplace is compliant and supportive? Book a call with our professional team to stay ahead of the legislation and enhance your employees’ mental wellbeing.

Helping you comply with regulations. We assist you in meeting the requirements.